New Love, Old Love

Ahh, new love!
Burning white hot, all consuming
Sparking with almost unbearable intensity
Crackling with unrestrained passion
Desire and hormones surging
Bringing tension, arousal, satisfaction
Again and again, yet again
A time of great excitement and joy
Full of reckless abandonment
Making love anywhere, anytime
It monopolizes the mind
Heats the blood
Stirs the body
Fulfills one's wildest dreams
Roaring wildly, too demanding
To be maintained forever
Over the years it gradually transforms
Into old love!
Red hot, glowing embers
Giving off warmth and comfort
It reassures the mind
Warms the heart
Promotes peaceful sleep
Constant, satisfying, dependable
Everlasting, rewarding, capable of being
The foundation for a lifetime spent
Overcoming life's challenges together
Lovemaking by planned assignations
Occasionally flaming up when stirred
Old love fulfills
Yet somehow it still
Longs for passion lost.

Harry Edward Gilleland      09.05.01    printer friendly