A loved one disappears
without a trace
in collapse of Twin Towers
lost at sea
camping in wilderness
coming home from school
shopping at mall
Initial fear, anger, worry, grief
HOPE for good news
Days pass
Weeks pass
Months pass
Worry, fear, doubt, uncertainty
live as your constant companions
....always HOPE for safe return
They could be
unconscious in hospital somewhere
washed up on deserted island
held captive
run away from life, living in California
hurt but alive
taken by aliens to Mars
HOPE sustains
The day comes when
authorities notify
body recovered
conclusive identification
HOPE dies this day
All HOPE dead, gone, buried
Unbearable grief
Better to know for certain?
Wouldnt want to always be wondering?
Death is for forever
Reality is knowing no chance of ever again
seeing them alive
holding them
talking with them
being warmed by their touch or laughter
having opportunity to apologize
telling them how proud you are of them
assuring them they are well and truly loved
Its a terrible day the day when HOPE dies...
and reality can no longer be delayed or denied.