Welcome to the Gilleland writings page. This site is a tribute to my father, Dr. Harry E. Gilleland, Jr. I have always known my dad to be a man of wisdom and colorful humor, and he always seemed to have a logical solution to everything. When I was growing up, I would tell my friends that my dad should be president because he had a sane and efficient answer to all current events! My father has, in the past twelve years, found an outlet in writing poetry and prose. His poetry musings about life range from comical to thought-provoking, and they are definitely worth a read. His prose books are quite entertaining and enjoyable to read.

Harry's writings have now been published in ten books: four books of poetry, a novella, and five novels. All ten books are available for purchase. Click on images below to get more information about each book.

Harry's new book release A Man in Control.

Harry E Gilleland, Jr.'s poetry
collection can be found to the right!

Trailer for Zack's Choice

Trailer for Aldric & Anneliese

Trailer for A Wandering Warrior

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